The Keys to The Kingdom

The blog is not about reckless or high speed driving, of course. We're pretty big on safe and sober operation of the vehicle. Just to underline that policy, we've posted this rather sobering image in today's journal. There are worse consequences than a mere speeding ticket. If you don't hang up your keys when you get into the booze, they might end up hanging right here.
If you like the open road, those paths seldom taken, the colorful people, places and things along the way, then these are the keys to the kingdom. The are a reprieve from the numbing sameness of urban sprawl, the creeping androgyny of the chain store culture, the cage of uniformity. If, however, you push your luck out there, these are the keys to Kingdom Come.
By the way, who IS that old guy pictured in the article? We think he swiped the keys and ran off with the car a few weeks ago. He looks a lot more like LaSabre material.
Happy Motoring !
This is great, the blue looks somewhat similar in color to the old Nomad. Too bad though, you can't remove the breather and listen to that 4bl. Holley growl. The piston rings will thank you for that. It's hard to believe that we old GM diehards are now Ford guys.
truly yours :
Exec.V.P.-GSG (who was the CEO ?)
That's a very good job of matching paint chips and there were one heck of a lot of paint chipped in those days. Yes, Windveil Blue is very close to the old Nomad. No, there's no big Holley, but the car's got a sound we didn't hear in those days.
CEO of the GSG? Well, Cousin Allen could have been, but was more like a guest host when it was talk show time. Coker could have been had he not gone so far off the reservation so often or had that homicidal look in his eyes. Tamsberg! I always felt that Tamsberg was the CEO, the sage, the lord protector. I remember when he took on all of those hoods from the project in the confrontation at the Museum. It's still Tamsberg. He looks after us all.
Yes, Ford guys we are. A lot of the trusted lines thinned out, let us down or turned us off....but we never put Mercurys on our boats. Some things a fellow just can't do.
Rock and Roll.
Yep!No Merc. on the transom-can't do that. By the way, I have 2 suggestions for photo backgrounds-brand significant : Hemingway Mtr.Co.,Main Andrews:oldest S.C. Ford dealership still in it's original location and owned by same family. Henry Edsel("Sel") Hemingway would most probably like to be in the picture too(you may want to change your keytag first). Or, Haselden Bros.Ford on East Broad Hemingway, just down the road from Andrews.An old and attractive building and downtown setting.
Sorry you couldn't make it to the GSG street party Nov.'04, Tamsberg had a cookout later that day at his place on Wadmalaw. Lemacks was the organizer -go figure .
Hope to see you around......
- your friend
I don't think The Blue looks Forrest Gump-like. Not at all.
Nice article. Congrats.
FW: Thanks again for your comments which are much appreciated. In the rapidly changing community, it is nice to hear from old, old friends some of whom don't look their lucky dog.
To Ellen: Well, I wondered if our reader thought that MUSTANG ROLLING was like a box of chocloates--you never know what you're going to find. The GT is certainly more predictable. You ALWAYS know what's going to happen when you let out that clutch. Our contributor might have referred to our appearing in historic places such as Gump was placed by creative editing. He was shown with President Johnson and other famous folks from the past. We were shown next to Issac Hayne's grave, but the Patriot himself was not visible. Thank you for your kind words.
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