Horses Fighting and the Mustang Proverb

Brookgreen Gardens which is located just a bit north of Pawleys Island, SC, was founded or actually created in 1931 in the depths of The Depression as a philanthropic gesture by Archer Huntington. Huntington brought forth the cash and his wife, Anna Hyatt Huntington, molded the money into the first sculpture garden in the United States.
Mrs. Huntington was the daughter of Alpheus Hyatt II, a professor of paleontology, biology and zoology at M.I.T, so his influence upon Anna had inspired her to render animals in striking images in the style of " Realistic Sculpture ".
Brookgreen is filled with her work and that of other artists which combines to make a most unusual and rewarding visit. The " Realistic " style makes these works attractive to even those without classic artistic temperament.
Speaking of " temperament " and realism, that collision of warring horses behind the GT makes one glad that it's only a sculpture. If you zoom in on the dismounted rider, you may be reminded of the old Mustang Proverb: " Keep your foot on the gas and out of your ______ !
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