The Riddle of the Hump

We are again on one of the sets for the television series Army Wives which is being shot in Charleston, SC. We provide a bit of background by quoting JUST PRESS PLAY (
** "Bordering dangerously close to soap opera..., Army Wives caters to the patriotic female crowd. Yes, it’s Lifetime, so the more discerning TV audiences need not apply.... The basic premise of the show sees Roxy (Sally Pressman) moving to a nearby army post after marrying an enlisted soldier. On the base she finds herself bound to a group of women affectionately known as Army Wives. The first season ends with a soldier on the post, suffering from psychosis, going into the Hump Bar and detonating a bomb strapped to his chest. After the dust settles... Roxy takes in Betty, the cancer-stricken owner of the Hump Bar, and finds herself charged with reopening it using the insurance money." **
Well, the good things in life such as Dewar's Scotch and commercial television never really change. We'd bet that this series has fallen completely into the suds of soap opera. There's precious little chance that the medium will ever climb high enough out of the bowl to look down on any viewers, discerning or otherwise.
While it sounds much like random TV offerings, we did wonder how the word "Hump" applied. We know that the Himalayan Mountains were called "The Hump", a formidable impediment over which US planes flew supplies to Burma during WWII. Perhaps it suggests that with the heavy confusion the crew has trouble getting past Wednesdays, the official "hump" day of the week. It might also suggest the challenges which the cast and crew face in navigating over the endless speed humps on Charleston streets. The set sits smack dab on a railroad siding and we know "humps" in that context are small artificial hills over which rail cars are pushed, one by one and uncoupled so that the car may be rerouted to other tracks. We much more suspect that the word refers to the troubles which come with so much cross pollination betwixt the characters in the series.
Apparently, the "DO NOT HUMP" directives apply only to railroad cars
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