Zip Code 29426 by the Numbers

The tiny building which houses the U.S. Post Office at Adams Run, S.C., is barely room enough to shelter the GT. It comes up a little short on the elbow room, but manages to parcel out every mailable item to a population of 1,834 in Zip Code 29426. The building evokes the simplicity of sweet rural charm, but it is in fact the eccentric iron boot of the Federal Government in this hamlet.
The Feds have sliced and diced the town into every known ethnicity and subphylum of humanity with dazzling specificity yet they list 5 persons as " some other race " as if Martians might be hunkered down in Adams Run. No one there, however, admits to being foreign born. Only 14 Hispanic/Latinos show up in the tally which is only 0.8% of the town's population. The national average is 12.5% or 15.6 times that of Adams Run. We did notice a high percentage of owner operated riding lawnmowers with much yard work being done in quaint fashion by the property owners.
The government loves nothing so much as statistics. Adams Run has more stats than you can fit into this little building. There are 69.9 square miles of land, 0.2 square miles of water area. There are 895 men, 939 women, living in 735 houses of which 597 are owner occupied, 242 without mortgages, having an average size of 3.26 persons per household. 643 persons over the age of ...15 are married. The median age is 37.8 years and only 45 of the lot speak a language other than English in those homes of which 217 are single family dwellings. The median family income is a bit better than one half the national average with exactly twice as many below the poverty line.
Those 16 and older with jobs have an average commute time of 36.4 minutes to work. The national average is 25.5 minutes. Clearly they need faster transportation such as displayed in the photo. Now the government has a mission.
I was hoping to catch a glimpse of your license tag so that I could have the Adams Run gendarme issue an appropriate summons. ~ FW
Oh, oh, we're glad that the tag isn't showing in that case. The heat might run the 10-28 and lay in wait next time we leap from the bat cave. Actually, we're watching the posted limits these days, driving safely, even obeying the law. There are those who recall less careful days, 'eh?
We might be seen out on Guerin's Bridge Road soon, so keep an eye out for us and the whistling swans.
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