The Silver Slipper slips

Here we are at the Silver Arcade, formerly the Silver Slipper, a name which better suits the image upon the sign. The slipper contains, but appears to be spilling either off color pearls (unlikely) or gold coins (more to the point) which are pouring from the toe. They are composed of a mass of small yellow light bulbs. It must look nicer at night when the rust, displaced parking bulkheads, litter and lost traffic cones are not visible. It is unlikely that the owners took the new name from a lovely spot in Leicester, England.
In June 1996, the S.C. Department of Revenue conducted an inspection of the Silver Slipper (now Silver Arcade) then a year later, based upon findings of violations of law, petitioned the S.C. Administrative Court for fines and other restrictions against the business owner, Ace-Hi, which SCDOR claimed clearly permitted licenses to be used in contravention of the statute.
"Slipper" suggests one thing to us, but "Arcade" suggests quite another. Some years back in perhaps happier days The Silver Slipper leased 20 "Class III" video gaming machines from Pedroland, Inc., located at Highway 301 & I-95, Dillon, South Carolina. The inspection states that a "payout counter" was located in a common area off which were located 4 rooms each containing 5 video gaming machines. The Administrative Court directed the SCDOR to revoke 5 of the licenses in addition to other measures.
The Video Game Machines Act was enacted in 1993 to regulate the video game machines industry and to prevent large-scale casino type gambling operations in the State of South Carolina.
Big time organized gambling has an unpleasant odor which does not blend well with the cultivated corn fields just across the road from the Arcade. Based upon the overall appearance of the place, it would appear that at least in this spot, gambling is under control for the moment.
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