Country Come to Town

Again with the murals ? Yes, we love 'em and we are always pleased to see them on what would otherwise be wasted, boring or unattractive wall space in public view. We view them as welcoming visual gifts to the passer by.
This mural appears upon a building on one of the main roads passing through Dillon, South Carolina. Since most of our state had been largely agricultural in occupation and culture, this seems a nostalgic gesture. Somewhere along the road of transition from country life to urban sprawl we lost a good bit of our regional character.
These paintings seem to be sponsored by the building owners rather than a project under the direction of municipal or state government control. This may be why the are so attractive and often innocently happy images. Once a government agency at any level got through with tacking on every possible item which every interest group demanded, which every regulation required, which satisfied every political urge of the bureaucrat in charge, you would want your ugly old blank wall back.
Where a business or private citizen undertakes to celebrate the community or enhance the view without sinister or cynical motive, we feel that public harmony makes a small advance.
Again with the "tiny" photo of the murals.
I've tried to enlarge it so I can see what you saw but I must be dumb... Can't make it any bigger.
Guess I'll have to drive there myself.(smile)
Chuck, thanks for your comment. I've changed the way I was posting. Sometimes it worked, sometimes not. It seems that the problem had to do with the way I saved the picture. This should be OK now.
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