Sunday, August 27, 2006
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- We Don't Want No Racetrack HERE !
- Neighbors Mourn Loss of Drag Strip
- Ladies Wanted ?
- Prop Department
- The IDLE HOUR at an idle hour.
- The Swamp Fox at Ox Swamp: Manning Mural
- How about a Fountain Coke ?
- Is This the SAMSON FOX ?

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Hwy 78, north of Jedburg?
Quite right, Chip. Now, can you identify anything else in the photograph? Thanks for your comment.
Isn't the building right in front of a fishing pond? I drive through there 2 or 3 times a week, but it's hard to tell what's going on at 55 MPH. I sometimes see a somewhat large, shirtless man crossing the road there to go fishing.
Could be, Chip. That spot is right in the bend of Hwy 78. A somewhat large shirted man emerged from a adjacent shed so we asked him if it (pointing to the building) was for sale. He replied , "Jesus or the building ?" After that exchange we decided see how quickly the GT could get from 0 to 55.
"Jesus or the building?"
That's funny.
Well, it seems that the fellow who rents that concrete block building makes those likenesses out of plywood and paints them in great detail. The gentleman who approached us was probably the landlord and perhaps he was hoping for the tenant to make enough money to pay the rent. That's just a guess.
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