Prop Department

We got an anonymous telephone call inviting us out here to meet our fan club and this is all we found! What a blow to the ego. Or, would you believe that we ordered a heavy duty fan for the GT and this is what came ?
We're not saying where this photo was taken because a local magazine is running a contest in which entrants will attempt to guess that very fact. By saying this we do not mean to brag as it's not TIME or ROLLING STONE, but it is a nice one which covers our local islands and flatters us with this attention. Their readers will actually win a prize if they manage to guess where we snapped this one.
OK, here's OUR little contest. Look carefully at the photograph. Yes, click on the picture because Blogspot renders very poor resolution. Here's the question: Is the Mustang the real one or that detailed model which found its way to Ireland? Is the prop real or just a prop prop? Is one real and the other a model ? Are they both real or are both models? What do you think?
Anyone who cares to guess the answers or comment on the absurdity of this proposition is most welcome to post accordingly. There will be no actual prizes, just our undying gratitude for taking the time to write.
Q: Is the Mustang the real one or that detailed model which found its way to Ireland?
A: The real one which found its way to Ireland.
Q: Is the prop real or just a prop prop?
A: It's a prop.
Q: Is one real and the other a model?
A: No.
Q: Are they both real or are both models?
A: Yes.
Q: What do you think?
A: I think therefore I am I think.
Fan-cy that. ;)
You're getting close, Ellen, but we'll give others a chance to catch up. Thanks for participating. Answers later.
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