Saturday, March 18, 2006

Blackville Captured! Invasion by Body Snatchers

Our recent visit to Blackville was a little mysterious. The town appeared to be fully shut down on a nice bright Saturday afternoon. It reminded us of one of those " Twilight Zone " episodes in which everyone in some small town had gathered in some strange conspiracy against an intruding visitor from "outside'.

It was not unlike the " Invasion of the Body Snatchers " in which everyone becomes a mouth breather without ambition, energy or individual ideas. Each body snatched into this communal funk is arrayed against the last uninfected holdout.

We probably stood out a little since we were the only blue vehicle in town and the only car which had wheels that stopped when the car did. We got... looks.

Nowhere were things more creepy than in the reddish building pictured above. Apparently they did not want us to intrude. Moments before we arrived someone or some thing had slapped on a new sign which covered the original wording, " Blackville Feed and Seed ". They must have known that we were after blog fodder and decided to throw us that curve ball. This, no doubt, is where they incubated the pods.


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